Tudor and Stuarts Weekend 2023

image for the event Tudor and Stuarts Weekend 2023

28th - 30th April 2023

This educational History Weekend comprises 23 ‘events. The lectures and guided visits showcase recent research on the period of the ‘Tudors & Stuarts’, making it readily accessible to a wide audience. Among the internationally known scholars and well-known, more popular historians are Alec Ryrie, Vanessa Harding, Richard Hoyle and Elaine Hobby, who will cover topics across the period from Henry VIII’s marriages and the problems of the succession to Aphra Behn, the first professional women writer in English.

This is the 8th History Weekend. It is an educational event to provide opportunities for staff, students and members of the public to gain access to recent scholarship from experts on a specific period in history. Lectures and guided tours are classified under five themes: ‘Kings and Queens; ‘War and Politics’; ‘The Church’, ‘Books and Manuscripts’ and ‘Social History’ to allow audiences to gain access to new interpretations, ideas and knowledge in a range of early modern history topics. The Weekend is organised by the CCCU Centre for Kent History and Heritage in conjunction with Canterbury Cathedral Archives & Library, which will provide two tours. Those attending lectures book their chosen events using a pick-and-mix approach, using the descriptions provided on the Centre’s webpages.
Any surplus from the Weekend goes into the educational fund to aid postgraduates at CCCU who are studying Kent history topics. The fund is the Ian Coulson Memorial Postgraduate Award fund.

Visit our blog for a full report of the weekend.

Download the Brochure

In the brochure you will find details of each of the events that took place over the weekend as well as biographical sketches of each speaker.


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